Friday, April 27, 2012

Savory Moments

It's amazing how many faces inspiration can have.  Some serene, cooky, stunning, scary, perplexing, corky, some that leave you it, it's out there.  Any and all of them are interesting in some form or fashion.  Swimming through all of them, there isn’t anything, or any one, that inspires me more than those that absolutely love to fall over an over again in love with life and all the menial aspects of it as well as the grandeur of events.  People that build-up, encourage and challenge their peers-whether friends, acquaintances, passersby’s, or just blog readers-inspiring them to live in the moment and soak up all of the savories in any situation.  By embracing the good, the bad, and all the fun in between I’m able to see the world around me with a fresh perspective that makes my heart lighter and happier!  

God created us to love and enjoy life and to pour that joy over one another just as He does with us.  Life is beautiful!  There’s so much freedom when taking hold of that truth and walking it out!

When I’m older and reflecting back on my life, I want to be proud of the thumb print I’m leaving in this world and in the lives of those around me.  Right now, one step at a time, I choose to be a sponge and soak in all the savory moments I can and to share them with others  :O)  

Soaking in amazing artwork (by: Katie Daisy). Words, questions, and encouragement!

Beautiful flowers 

My Mini-Me's feet

Nickelbug's goofy faces & laughter
 Blue Tongues
 Cranberry Fun
Hide & Seek 

Yummie, good foods

Fun times with my bestie

 And of course.........LOTS of Color!!!

Time may not be able to be retrieved, but when I look at glimpses like these I can happily, and proudly say, they are moments that were not wasted....Time very well spent :O)

 We're lovin' life and doing it together!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I’m a gal whose main love language is Words.  Fun, exciting, motivating, uplifting, encouraging, life-giving words.  Truthfully, I really enjoy pouring those words over others whenever an opportunity to do so presents itself.  It really fills me with joy to be able to do that and brighten someone’s day!  However, not everyone is like me in that sense.  Recently I have experienced situations where other people’s words were just the opposite of that.  Even those closest to me!  Words that were tearing me down and putting me out.  Their words started taking root in my heart, so instead of being propelled into fulfilling the dream God put on my heart, I was being held back, pulled down and sometimes drug through the dirt. 

It's amazing how outside situations can influence and/or affect what direction my heart takes.  When really, what's in my heart should be what influences and/or affects the direction my external situations take.  

After months of sulking in discouragement and frustration God opened my eyes to the relationship I have with Him in a way I’ve never seen before!  Eureka!!  He is my Groom, the closest and most intimate anyone will ever get with me, and the words He speaks over me and into my life are SOLID.  I am His and He is mine.  He is my biggest fan and will always speak truth, life & encouragement into me.  His words are now being rooted in my heart and growing me into all He created me to be as His woman.  He chose to take possession of me because He believes in me and the abilities He has placed within me to accomplish what he created me to do!  In the same way I choose to take possession of Him and trust that He has the ability to do what He says He will do in my life (Philippians 3:12b).  He is my protector, my encourager, my energy, my motivation, my accountability…you get the picture.  He is all the encouragement I need and He is the One that defines my future with His words, not the people in my world. 

So, instead of allowing opposition from others hold me back or get me down, I choose to allow my Groom to be the one that is behind me and beside me, propelling me into the future He has for me, which is greater than anything I could imagine!  I don’t know what the future holds, but what’s great is I know He’s uber excited to equip me for it!  Everything I set my hands and my mind do will be blessed because I’m doing it for Him and with His words in mind encouraging me every step of the way :O)  He appreciates every bit of it!

1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)


 58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.