Thursday, November 8, 2012


It's amazing how many faces inspiration can have.  

Some serene, some stunning, some scary, some perplexing, some breathtaking, some peaceful, some that leave you speechless (in the “I don’t know what that is” kind of way) it, someone, somewhere in the world is being inspired by just that...

I have a BIG God and when I observe the world around me I have moments of breathtaking awe at how meticulously thought out and how perfectly detailed every object (animate and inanimate) around me was brought to fruition by the sound vibrations of One persons spoken words.  He is a flipping creative genius!  And this all came to be starting with thoughts.  Certain thoughts entered His mind that urged Him to speak them into existence and then propelled Him into action to then do what He was created to do.  He thought everything through, first.  That's what makes Him so great.  For that, He deserves uber loaded rounds of kudos snaps for sure!

For some of us choosing what is allowed into our minds is a harder process depending on what stage of our journey we are in.  Filtering my thoughts is always a challenging process, but it's a must in order to get aligned and stay aligned with where I need to be headed.  


(I'll allow you the priviledge of putting meaning to each of the above in relation to where you are at on your journey)

Taking every thought captive and testing to see if it's truth.  It's not a doom and gloom process, it's revitalizing and freeing!   Allowing the right thoughts into my mind and saying NO to the wrong thoughts that try to take over; regularly filtering in order to keep me focused, to shape me, and help me be doing what I am inspired to do each day, little by little, to remain on the path that I'm supposed to be on, continuing to grow and learn in the mix. 

We are all created for greatness and inspired to pursue it differently.  I truly believe that.  Question is...are you willing to entertain the creative thoughts that enter your mind that will propel you into becoming great?  Even more so...are you willing to actually do what those thoughts inspire and challenge you to do in order to grow you into that greatness?   

Or...if you have your right to lounge back and watch life pass you this squirrel :O)