Wednesday, November 26, 2014


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson - American essayist, lecturer, and poet (1803-1882)

You are uniquely you and God doesn't create anything less than incredible!  Be proud of who you are in this space of time.  Search deeply within yourself for that remarkable inner strength that your Creator has graciously provided you.  You have gotten used to what you know and to what you can do.  Remember, though, that you can experience SO much more!  Look at yourself with a fresh, objective set of eyes, and you’ll see plenty of amazing ways you contribute to the world around you.  You are what makes this world a magical place!  

Sending you uber loads of Light and Laughter!


Love me some cuddles from my snuggle-bug :O)

Some goofy fun with my little bit :O)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014


{Artwork by my favorite artist: Katie Daisy}

The other day I saw in passing a picture, or sign, or status, something, that mentioned a line about "do life with your children" and it's  been in my head ever since.  I tried to track down where I saw that, but couldn't.  It's been rolling around in my mind the past few days and my thoughts have been similar to: "Do life with your kids?  Isn't that what a parent does from the time their child emerges into their world?"  I mean, we're responsible for them and we're with them most of the time if they aren't in school.  Every.  Day.  

So, through my days of musing, I've started to develop bionic ears becoming super attentive to what Nickels has been sharing with me.  I've become super sensitive to how I'm speaking to her and ultra aware of the quality of time we have together.  Mentally picking apart the times I get short with her and sound snippy and other times where I might not be fully listening and then snap back to reality when I realize she's saying, "Mama...Mama...," over and over again to get my attention.  It's easier to get caught up in over analyzing where I'm lacking as a parent than to see all the love I'm pouring over her and the good I'm instilling in her.  

Last night, since it was chilly outside, I decided we were going to get a fire going and do her homework together by the fire.  When we were almost done with her homework that's when it dawned on me: "This is doing life with my little one!"  It's moments like this that define "do life with your children" to me.  It's moments like this that will build her trust in me and create in her a desire to be close throughout life.  It's moments like this that will make her want to go grab a coffee with me and share with me what is going on in her world.  It's as simple as that.  Creating a warm fire (a favorite of the Librizzi Girls) and making a pallet on the floor and getting cozy together in front of it.  (AND we got her homework done at the same time!  #winning )  :O)

{Our pallet by the fire last night, doing her homework together}

Keep things simple.  Relax some and enjoy the journey with your little one(s).  You always have control of simplifying as you move ahead on your journey.  Don't beat yourself up and over analyze how you do things, or what you don't do, or what you say or don't say.  Breathe with a sigh of relief that you can keep things's your face time, your loving words, and cuddles that mean the most to your little ones in their young years.  Simple.  Flying a kite, reading a book, painting a pumpkin, sitting by a fire, coloring, etc.     

Turn a new leaf and step forward with a simpler, fresh perspective.  It'll make both you and your little one(s) smile  :O)

{The day we flew a kite together.  I love her smile}

Sending out lots of Light and Laughter,


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


My two favorite loves + good food + some creative time = recipe of a perfect time together.  Several weeks ago we went to Ruibal’s at the Downtown Dallas Farmers Market and picked up a few pumpkins to hack away on.  Oh boy was that fun!  We picked out a large, medium, and small pumpkin; different ones to represent each of us.  When checking out, we grabbed a pumpkin carving kit to aid us in our adventure.  The key to carving a phenomenal pumpkin is the pumpkin carving kit.  Truly, it worked like a dream! 

It was so nice to be outside soaking up the nice weather and fall colors.  After picking out the perfect pumpkins we had a nice dinner on a patio while the sun slipped away to slumber.  Once our tummies were singing from being nourished, we headed to my condo to start de-gutting our pumpkins.  Sounds morbid, but it was so much fun!  After clearing out the insides, I separated the seeds and roasted them in the oven, like this:

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

What you need: 
Fresh pumpkin seeds
Olive oil or coconut oil (I used a little of each)
Sea Salt
Garlic and Herb mix (salt free) from Sprouts

What to do:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Place the pumpkin seeds on a foiled cookie sheet.  Coat them with olive oil and/or coconut oil, mixing them together to distribute the oil evenly.  Then sprinkle on the above herbs/spices to your taste.  Some of you might like more of certain spices and less of others.  Gauge it by what you know you like best.  OR, you can just do small pinches of each one.  Mix them all up together to distribute the seasonings evenly then place them in the oven for about 40 minutes.  If you want them toastier just keep them in a little longer and keep an eye on them. 

They are uber yummy, so enjoy!

Our pumpkins turned out uber fantastical too!! :O)

Sending you lots of Light & Laughter!
