Friday, August 8, 2014


Everyone loves a simple art piece on one of their walls that makes a lovely statement, including myself.  I don't have any simple word art on my walls so I decided to make one!  This took very little time to make with items that I found around the condo.  So it didn't require that I spend any money on it which is always an A-plus in my book :O)

Here are the items you'll need for this little project:  1x4 slat of wood(or wood shape/size of your choice), house paint (shade of your choice), paint brush, x-acto knife, magazines, print out of the phrase you want and in the font you like, newspaper, rubber cement and a camera (to snap shots of your lovelies). 

First: Set up an area where you can spread out the newspaper to place your wood slat on in order to paint it.  Then paint it! (it'll only take a few minutes to paint) I set mine up on bar-stools so I could stand up to paint them.  Normally I would spray paint (I loooove me some spray paint) in order to get a smoother finish.  However, for this piece I wanted the brush strokes to show to add a little bit of texture on the background so I used Valspar that has primer in the mix.  

Second: While the paint is drying, get together the letters you printed, x-acto knife, and magazines.  Choose any kind of magazines you prefer to get the colors, textures & shapes you would like on your lettering.  Tear out all the pages you want to use (keep in mind the sizing of the letters in conjunction with the pictures you are choosing)  then place the letter on top of the photo you choose and trace the letter with your x-acto knife to cut it out.

Third: After you're done cutting out all your letters out for your phrase and the paint has dried, use the rubber cement to glue it to your wood slat.  Finish it up by nailing in a couple sawtooth hangers to the back and viola!  Your handmade wall art is ready for display :O)

Easy-peasy!  I was excited to hang it in my room; it's something simple, yet such a wonderful reminder to always fill your day and your mind with what you cherish and love the most :O)

Sending you lots of Light & Laughter!
