Monday, February 23, 2015

{MIY} MAKE-IT-YOURSELF MONDAY! Daily Chore Chart for Little One(s)

For those of you that have little ones that are of age to begin having daily chores, here is a great chore chart you can create that will help your little one to remember what their daily responsibilities are.

Here's what you need:

Cork Board
Thumb Tacks
Scrapbook Paper
Mini Clothes Pins
Acrylic Paint

First cut the fabric a little bigger than our cork board.

Get your thumb tacks out.  Wrap the fabric around the the cork board and tack the fabric to the back.  I reinforced the fabric with hot glue because my tacks weren't staying very well because the back of my cork bard has a layer of cardboard backing.

Next punch out one tag so you can use it to help space out your twine.

Once you have your example tag then wrap, measure off and cut 6 strands of twine.  One for the heading and 5 for each weekday, Monday through Friday.  Tie the twine around the board.  I reinforced mine with hot glue so they would't slide down.

Once you have your six twine rows secure then you can finish punching out the rest of your tags.  Punch out as many as you need for each day.  

Then get your marker and write out 5 tags with a day on each one (Monday through Friday).  Then on the other tags write down the chores you want your little one to do each day on one side.  On the other side draw a smiley face  :O)

Get your mini clothes pins out and, starting on the second row of twine for Monday, hang each chore you would like your little one(s) to complete for that day.  Then go on to the next row for Tuesday and do the same.  Keep moving on to the next row for the next day until you complete Friday on the 6th row of twine.  

You're almost done with your little ones chore chart!

Last you'll get your acrylic paint out and paint a title on a rectangular strip of scrapbook paper.  I chose a simple title, "daily chores".  Then hang it on the top row of twine.

Tah-dah!  Your little one has a wonderful chore chart to refer to each day to complete their daily chores.  It's great fun for them to complete a task for the day and then flip the task around to reveal a wonderful smile :O)  This will help your little one to gain self-respect knowing that they are helping contribute to their personal up-keep and will be able to grow confidence as they help contribute to maintaining the family household.  

I hope you enjoy creating this fun chore chart for your little one! 

Sending you lots of Light and Laughter!


Monday, February 9, 2015

{MIY} MAKE-IT-YOURSELF MONDAY! Valentine Goody Bags!

 MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag

Valentine's Day is around the corner and every little one is looking forward to spreading their love of candy.  Here's a wonderful, inexpensive way to create a cute Valentine goody bag with your little one at home! 

What you'll need:

Wax Paper
Small Paper Bags
Scrapbook Paper
Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
First, cut the yarn one yard long for each heart you're going to make.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Get your wax paper out and draw hearts about 3 inches big.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Then mix 1 part water with 3 parts ModPodge in a bowl to create your glue.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
(I love her little feet!)
MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
(I love the cute faces she makes!)
Take a strand of yarn and soak it in the glue mixture.  Squeeze some of the excess glue from the yarn.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Put the yarn together squiggly like on the hearts you drew.  I outlined each heart with the yarn first then squiggle the yarn back and forth.  Then press the yarn down with your fingers to flatten the strands so they dry together better.  Let them dry overnight.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Once they're dry, peel them off of the wax paper.  Now you have the "body" of your goody bag!

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Next get your scrap paper and cut small hearts.  You're going to use these to create wings.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Glue the hearts to the sides of the bags for the wings.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Then glue on the yarn hearts you made the night before.

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Next get your pipe cleaners and clip them small enough to create antenna's and a smile :O)

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Next glue on some googly eyes and see your little goody bag come to life!

MIY Cassie Librizzi Valentine Bag
Now for the fun  part, fill you bag with some sweet treats!  :O)

Nickelbug and I had so much fun making these together!!  :O)  I hope  you do too!

Sending you lots of Light and Laghter!


Monday, February 2, 2015

{MIY} MAKE-IT-YOURSELF MONDAY! Hand Painted Phrase on Handmade Pillow

In my quest to slowly brighten my little haven, I decided to add to my pillow collection in our family room.  Adding a little positivity and a refreshing floral print makes me smile uber big!  :O)  

Here's what you need:

Fabric Paint
Pillow Stuffing
Word(s) of your choice

First, cut two squares of fabric the same size.  Iron them out if they have wrinkles on them.  You can have two types of fabric, like I did, or you can have both sides be the same pattern.  

Choose which one you want to paint your word(s) on then uber lightly sketch your word(s) onto the fabric.  

Get set up with your fabric and paint to begin painting the word(s) you sketched out.  Place the cardboard under the fabric to avoid getting paint on your work surface (sometimes the paint can bleed through the fabric).  Then paint your  word(s) on over your sketch.  Nicely, the fabric paint dries uber fast so you won't have to wait long to move to the next step.

Once the paint is dry, put the two RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER.  Snip each corner at an angle.  

Sew a zig-zag seam along the outter edges around the two pieces of fabric.  Make sure you leave a hole about a few inches long so that you can stuff your pillow later.

After you sew the zig-zag seam, then sew a straight stitch about 1/2 inch inside from the edge.  Again, leaving a few inches un-sewn to leave space for you to stuff your pillow.

Next, turn the pillow right-side-out.  Now you're ready to stuff your pillow!  I stuffed mine oodles lots which might seem a bit much, but over time it will soften and be perfect.

Stuff your pillow and then hand sew the closing seam to seal off your pillow.

You now have yourself a hand painted, homemade personalized pillow!!  It adds a little touch of fresh and it's doubly rewarding to know you made it all on your own  :O)

I hope you enjoyed this weeks Make-it-Yourself Monday! 

Sending you lots of Light and Laughter!!
