For those of you that have little ones that are of age to begin having daily chores, here is a great chore chart you can create that will help your little one to remember what their daily responsibilities are.
Here's what you need:
Cork Board
Thumb Tacks
Scrapbook Paper
Mini Clothes Pins
Acrylic Paint
First cut the fabric a little bigger than our cork board.
Get your thumb tacks out. Wrap the fabric around the the cork board and tack the fabric to the back. I reinforced the fabric with hot glue because my tacks weren't staying very well because the back of my cork bard has a layer of cardboard backing.
Once you have your example tag then wrap, measure off and cut 6 strands of twine. One for the heading and 5 for each weekday, Monday through Friday. Tie the twine around the board. I reinforced mine with hot glue so they would't slide down.
Once you have your six twine rows secure then you can finish punching out the rest of your tags. Punch out as many as you need for each day.
Then get your marker and write out 5 tags with a day on each one (Monday through Friday). Then on the other tags write down the chores you want your little one to do each day on one side. On the other side draw a smiley face :O)
Get your mini clothes pins out and, starting on the second row of twine for Monday, hang each chore you would like your little one(s) to complete for that day. Then go on to the next row for Tuesday and do the same. Keep moving on to the next row for the next day until you complete Friday on the 6th row of twine.
You're almost done with your little ones chore chart!
Last you'll get your acrylic paint out and paint a title on a rectangular strip of scrapbook paper. I chose a simple title, "daily chores". Then hang it on the top row of twine.
Tah-dah! Your little one has a wonderful chore chart to refer to each day to complete their daily chores. It's great fun for them to complete a task for the day and then flip the task around to reveal a wonderful smile :O) This will help your little one to gain self-respect knowing that they are helping contribute to their personal up-keep and will be able to grow confidence as they help contribute to maintaining the family household.
I hope you enjoy creating this fun chore chart for your little one!
Sending you lots of Light and Laughter!