Friday, December 14, 2012


I have a thing for birds.  Not sure really where the liking to them came from, but like them, I do.  The short/small/pudgy ones that hop in their cute way are my fave.  When I sit in the Square of Thanksgiving to journal and reflect Dtown, I like to take pictures of them.  Heck, I even have one tattooed on me :O)  I was reading a Chick-Fil-A book about birds to Nickelbug the other night and it stated that you can find so many places to eat when you can fly, pertaining to the many different places that the different types of fowl find good eats.  Nickelbug related to it by sharing, "Yeah, you can find food at Starbucks, and at the mall, and at the store, and at the desert!" hahahah I love how she makes me chuckle and smile proud!

Enjoying an opportunity to share that tid-bit of Nickelbug and I's time together :O) 

So, on to what has been rolling around in my cerebrum...I've been pondering a lot about the course of events in my life. Choices.  Plans.  Events.  Some controllable and others out of my hands. 


Accomplishments.  Mistakes.  Learning curves.  New horizons.  What-if's.  Dreams.  Freshness.  Tomfoolery.  Blushing moments.  Emotional roller coasters.  Travels.  Surprises.  Challenges.  Funnies.  Faces: past, ones I have yet to greet, and ones still here with me now...

All part of my journey.   

My God is pretty big.  Caring more for my hearts condition than what I can do, or not.  Now realizing He gives me the OK to focus on my inward journey, there is no need for me to worry about what others may think.  Nor should I worry of being incapable or lacking in any area of my life cause He fills in those gaps for me where I humanly can't.  My past does not surprise Him. My present does not worry Him. And my future is certainly not a mystery to Him.  I have come to a place where I can love myself, just as He made me.  Quirks and all(and I have many).   This inward journey has taught me that meditating is important.  Meditation does not mean you have to always sit in repose, stating in unison with others, "Ohmmmmmmm" for hours on end.  You can meditate while you walk, draw, drive, gather firewood, mime, whatever, so long as you aren't consumed with thoughts about your past or lost in some made-up, fairy tale future.  Meditation is no different than prayer.  For me it's about getting centered with God, listening, asking, learning, loving, and letting go.  Letting what God created shine!  How I choose to project my light onto others is entirely up to me and learning to love myself, as is, has become my starting point. Finding love for myself; what I do in love to work through life and what I do in love when it's time to let go, no matter what the situation may be.  People are fallible; many have come into my life, and many have exited.  I'm okay with that.  God doesn't go anywhere and even when I tried to shut Him out, He was still right on the other side of the door, standing guard to protect me.  He is showing me to love, starting with meWho am I to be so bold?  Do you love yourself enough to be okay in every situation?  So much so that no matter what you say you can have no attachment to how it and you are received?  Be non-attached to the outcome.  All results are good.  Know this and you will be fine.

Coming to where I have arrived thus far, I can honestly share that I am a very happy woman :O)  Sure, I've made plenty of mistakes (and still continue to make them as I'm only human) but I am thankful for them all for I am the woman I am today for them AND they have brought me the most beautiful little girl, EVER.  For her, I desire not to ever change anything that has been done if it meant she would not be here with me now.  A sentiment I believe that can (and will) be shared no matter where I am on my journey!

So, can you hear the birds singing?

"There is only love.  Everything else is our resistance to it." ~Terces Engelhart

Thursday, November 8, 2012


It's amazing how many faces inspiration can have.  

Some serene, some stunning, some scary, some perplexing, some breathtaking, some peaceful, some that leave you speechless (in the “I don’t know what that is” kind of way) it, someone, somewhere in the world is being inspired by just that...

I have a BIG God and when I observe the world around me I have moments of breathtaking awe at how meticulously thought out and how perfectly detailed every object (animate and inanimate) around me was brought to fruition by the sound vibrations of One persons spoken words.  He is a flipping creative genius!  And this all came to be starting with thoughts.  Certain thoughts entered His mind that urged Him to speak them into existence and then propelled Him into action to then do what He was created to do.  He thought everything through, first.  That's what makes Him so great.  For that, He deserves uber loaded rounds of kudos snaps for sure!

For some of us choosing what is allowed into our minds is a harder process depending on what stage of our journey we are in.  Filtering my thoughts is always a challenging process, but it's a must in order to get aligned and stay aligned with where I need to be headed.  


(I'll allow you the priviledge of putting meaning to each of the above in relation to where you are at on your journey)

Taking every thought captive and testing to see if it's truth.  It's not a doom and gloom process, it's revitalizing and freeing!   Allowing the right thoughts into my mind and saying NO to the wrong thoughts that try to take over; regularly filtering in order to keep me focused, to shape me, and help me be doing what I am inspired to do each day, little by little, to remain on the path that I'm supposed to be on, continuing to grow and learn in the mix. 

We are all created for greatness and inspired to pursue it differently.  I truly believe that.  Question is...are you willing to entertain the creative thoughts that enter your mind that will propel you into becoming great?  Even more so...are you willing to actually do what those thoughts inspire and challenge you to do in order to grow you into that greatness?   

Or...if you have your right to lounge back and watch life pass you this squirrel :O)


Monday, October 8, 2012


In the most literal sense of the word
If you look up the definition of sleep will see a picture of me with my head on my desk, mouth gaping, and drool dripping...

So what is a gal (or guy) to do?  

I like to refresh my mind and my heart with images, words, and activities I highly enjoy and that breathe life into me (and essentially overflows into others around me) and catapults me closer to my dreams for Nickelbug and I's future.   

If I am at work...The Google and I are pretty tight.  I use The Google quite often.  If I need to be refreshed I look up randominities from looking up words such as homeostasis pertaining to organisms, to browsing other artists work to be inspired by their freshness, to researching ways to improve my health so my stay here on earth is a little longer, to simple, fun DIY activities to share with Nickelbug, to gardening so we can learn how to grow our own food, to environmental health so we can learn to take care of our home planet better, to funny pictures just to have a random, good belly laugh out loud (really, even while at work to break the dead silence in the office and rattle everyone else awake).  Name it, The Google tells me about it at my command and most of which I share with whoever else is around at the moment to listen (or just listen to me snicker and laugh).  

If I am in my abode and needing to be refreshed I choose to enjoy a fresh glass of wine and draw, or paint, or work on Nickelbug Designs (feel free to click Like to stay up to date with fresh news and upcoming events on Nickelbug Designs Facebook page).  I also like to write in my journal and just make-up some stuff to get the creative juices flowing.  Nickelbug has taken to drawing and painting too so we can enjoy it together painting each others faces or work on puzzles of Fairytale Friendships (she really enjoys that).  Refreshing my Worth to solidify who I am as a woman of God by meditating on scriptures that stand out to me is greatly renewing inside/out while practicing yoga; it really flushes out a lot of negatives for me too (check out Bikram Yoga Dallas, it will rock your mind and make you smile, promise)!  

The last thing I want to happen is to fall asleep and remain stagnant.  Remaining stagnant is not okay in my life book...I enjoy being and doing and growing and pouring that energy into others.  Keeping my heart and mind fresh to grow the desires that have been planted  in me help me to keep positive feedback a regular visitor and keep me balanced  :O)

Have you been visiting Sleepy Town longer than you planned to?  Or, did you even plan the visit and it just sort of happened?  If you're wanting a different place to travel to then utilize The Google...start by searching something that turns you on and ignites movement in you.  That simple.  I believe your searching will snowball and you will be greatly inspired to move toward your calling in life and live happily ever after :O)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Life is multi-faceted and absolutely amazing...there is so much of it that I are just a few...well maybe more than that heehee

I enjoy making art and admiring good artwork from fanomenal artists such as Katie Daisy and Sylvia Ji.  Riding on horses, raising health awareness (go vegan), action packed movies, reminiscing with friends & family, green lights, emailing myself reminders so I don't forget things (or waste paper by writing "lists" that might be lost), flowers, creating ripples in my small sphere of influence, good thriller reads, coconuts, yoga, journaling, good tunes, squirrels, and looong walks along the ocean.  Really,  I do love to frolic on the beach.  I have the privilege of introducing Nickelbug to the beach in about a week for the first time.  If she's anything like me she will fall madly in love with the sand between her toes, the smell of salty air in her nose and sticking her big toe in the water. 

I get uberly tickled when Nickelbug picks up a piece of her chicken nugget with her fork and holds it up to show me the heart shape she sees that formed from the angle I had cut it.  Completely unintentional, as I was in a hurry to feed a hungry 4 year old tummy.  

I enjoy being outdoors, letting the sun rays dance on my skin.  Watching and listening to the birdsongs.  I especially love to feed them and watch them flock, bobble their heads and peck.  They get so close they even eat out of my hand!  They encourage me to enjoy my personal fairy tale of being Snow White and one with nature...only minus the bugs...and the white part....more like Snow Tan.  


I enjoy surrounding myself with people who, just by them being themselves and the way they live on a daily basis, challenge and encourage me to pay love forward and serve those around me and help nurture the environment we live in. 

It's okay to smile at people more and you're allowed to not take yourself so seriously all the time.  :O)

Truly, love on others and you will in turn learn how to love and enjoy yourself, the right way. 

Here's a great tune to lighten your heart for the remainder of your day, enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Jade Elizabeth Atwine…

Jade Elizabeth means: A jewel consecrated to our bountiful God; God of plenty.  She is a beautiful little girl and Nicolette and I have the privilege of becoming part of her world.  She was born on June 29, 2010 so she is only 2 years younger than Nicolette.  We look forward to learning through life with her and meeting her soon!

Glenda Stutzman, Watotos Sponsorship Coordinator, shard that Jade was abandoned shortly after birth in a hospital in Mbarara in Western Uganda.  When authorities failed to trace Jade’s parents, they requested Watoto Child Care Ministries to take her into their care.  Loving staff and volunteers at the Baby Watoto Home took little Jade under their wings and tended her malnourished little body.  With proper attention, Jade soon got back to good health and she is enjoying playing with toys and other children.

In March 2012, Jade graduated to a Watoto Home in a Watoto Village, where a devoted housemother and Watoto brothers and sisters made her feel welcome.  Jade’s housemother showers her with love and care.  :O)

On Sundays, Mama takes Jade to the Watoto Church, where the whole family receives spiritual nourishment.  When she is old enough, Jade will attend the Watoto School. 

Deeeep inhale...hold it....hold it...then looong exhale....and an uber biiiiiiiig smile :O)  She is a breathe of fresh air!!

Going through life: growing personally, working full time, being a mom full time, and starting a business has its challenges.  It is so hard to be patient…I know what I desire in certain areas of my life, for Nicolette, and for our future, but I know that God has his creative ways of doing things.  He cultivates desires (sometimes seemingly random) in our hearts at different times for certain reasons.  Since I have no idea what the future holds for Nicolette and I, I am choosing to live in the moment and soak up all the good that God has put in our lives right now.  I’m uber excited to see what is in store for Nicolette, Jade & I :O)  To do what I can, with what I have, right where I am at to bless others in our little sphere of influence and also now to bless others around the globe that have yet to meet… A Step in the Right Direction…

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

For information on sponsoring a child through Watoto, please contact:

Glenda Stutzman
Sponsorship Coordinator
Watoto USA
PO BOX 1320 
Lutz, Florida 33548
Phone: 813.948.4343

For information regarding Watoto and/or to visit, please contact:

David Wildes
Visit Watoto and Church Relations
Watoto USA
PO BOX 1320
Lutz, Florida 33548
Phone: 813.948.4346


Friday, April 27, 2012

Savory Moments

It's amazing how many faces inspiration can have.  Some serene, cooky, stunning, scary, perplexing, corky, some that leave you it, it's out there.  Any and all of them are interesting in some form or fashion.  Swimming through all of them, there isn’t anything, or any one, that inspires me more than those that absolutely love to fall over an over again in love with life and all the menial aspects of it as well as the grandeur of events.  People that build-up, encourage and challenge their peers-whether friends, acquaintances, passersby’s, or just blog readers-inspiring them to live in the moment and soak up all of the savories in any situation.  By embracing the good, the bad, and all the fun in between I’m able to see the world around me with a fresh perspective that makes my heart lighter and happier!  

God created us to love and enjoy life and to pour that joy over one another just as He does with us.  Life is beautiful!  There’s so much freedom when taking hold of that truth and walking it out!

When I’m older and reflecting back on my life, I want to be proud of the thumb print I’m leaving in this world and in the lives of those around me.  Right now, one step at a time, I choose to be a sponge and soak in all the savory moments I can and to share them with others  :O)  

Soaking in amazing artwork (by: Katie Daisy). Words, questions, and encouragement!

Beautiful flowers 

My Mini-Me's feet

Nickelbug's goofy faces & laughter
 Blue Tongues
 Cranberry Fun
Hide & Seek 

Yummie, good foods

Fun times with my bestie

 And of course.........LOTS of Color!!!

Time may not be able to be retrieved, but when I look at glimpses like these I can happily, and proudly say, they are moments that were not wasted....Time very well spent :O)

 We're lovin' life and doing it together!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I’m a gal whose main love language is Words.  Fun, exciting, motivating, uplifting, encouraging, life-giving words.  Truthfully, I really enjoy pouring those words over others whenever an opportunity to do so presents itself.  It really fills me with joy to be able to do that and brighten someone’s day!  However, not everyone is like me in that sense.  Recently I have experienced situations where other people’s words were just the opposite of that.  Even those closest to me!  Words that were tearing me down and putting me out.  Their words started taking root in my heart, so instead of being propelled into fulfilling the dream God put on my heart, I was being held back, pulled down and sometimes drug through the dirt. 

It's amazing how outside situations can influence and/or affect what direction my heart takes.  When really, what's in my heart should be what influences and/or affects the direction my external situations take.  

After months of sulking in discouragement and frustration God opened my eyes to the relationship I have with Him in a way I’ve never seen before!  Eureka!!  He is my Groom, the closest and most intimate anyone will ever get with me, and the words He speaks over me and into my life are SOLID.  I am His and He is mine.  He is my biggest fan and will always speak truth, life & encouragement into me.  His words are now being rooted in my heart and growing me into all He created me to be as His woman.  He chose to take possession of me because He believes in me and the abilities He has placed within me to accomplish what he created me to do!  In the same way I choose to take possession of Him and trust that He has the ability to do what He says He will do in my life (Philippians 3:12b).  He is my protector, my encourager, my energy, my motivation, my accountability…you get the picture.  He is all the encouragement I need and He is the One that defines my future with His words, not the people in my world. 

So, instead of allowing opposition from others hold me back or get me down, I choose to allow my Groom to be the one that is behind me and beside me, propelling me into the future He has for me, which is greater than anything I could imagine!  I don’t know what the future holds, but what’s great is I know He’s uber excited to equip me for it!  Everything I set my hands and my mind do will be blessed because I’m doing it for Him and with His words in mind encouraging me every step of the way :O)  He appreciates every bit of it!

1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)


 58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Well I'm actually doing it...taking the leap and launching a dream to encourage women to discover their fabulousness and find joy in creative expression! I call it Nickelbug Designs :O) It'll be my little thumbprint to leave behind for my little one and those around me that I'm inspired so much by! Life is full of risk and it's too short to waste the time to just sit, pray, contemplate, worry, and wait. I want to take the leap and do something I know God has put in me to do that is FULLfilling to my heart!!! Using the talents and passions that he has placed in my being to make & create art and accessories, I want to be able to turn around and bless others through them and with the funds I make in selling them my desire is to be able to financially bless those that need it.

Even though I have jitterbugs in my tummy about taking on this endeavor, I am learning fast that God honors those that honor Him, and He is delighted when we take that step of faith, that jump, and are obedient, to start fresh with Him (even when it seems crazy). A very dear friend of mine shared an amazing scripture with me when we were discussing all of this: Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) says 10 "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin..." All it takes is a starting point, even a small one and He will rejoice over you for taking that step toward where He wants you to go!! The key is keeping the faith and remaining obedient, even when you don't understand it all. God will not forget you. He will not turn His face from you. He will pour favor over you and your children!! Amen?! 

So here goes nuthin'...GERONIMO!!!! 

You can view my collection for Nickelbug Designs at and if you are on Facebook, you can find us on
