Monday, October 8, 2012


In the most literal sense of the word
If you look up the definition of sleep will see a picture of me with my head on my desk, mouth gaping, and drool dripping...

So what is a gal (or guy) to do?  

I like to refresh my mind and my heart with images, words, and activities I highly enjoy and that breathe life into me (and essentially overflows into others around me) and catapults me closer to my dreams for Nickelbug and I's future.   

If I am at work...The Google and I are pretty tight.  I use The Google quite often.  If I need to be refreshed I look up randominities from looking up words such as homeostasis pertaining to organisms, to browsing other artists work to be inspired by their freshness, to researching ways to improve my health so my stay here on earth is a little longer, to simple, fun DIY activities to share with Nickelbug, to gardening so we can learn how to grow our own food, to environmental health so we can learn to take care of our home planet better, to funny pictures just to have a random, good belly laugh out loud (really, even while at work to break the dead silence in the office and rattle everyone else awake).  Name it, The Google tells me about it at my command and most of which I share with whoever else is around at the moment to listen (or just listen to me snicker and laugh).  

If I am in my abode and needing to be refreshed I choose to enjoy a fresh glass of wine and draw, or paint, or work on Nickelbug Designs (feel free to click Like to stay up to date with fresh news and upcoming events on Nickelbug Designs Facebook page).  I also like to write in my journal and just make-up some stuff to get the creative juices flowing.  Nickelbug has taken to drawing and painting too so we can enjoy it together painting each others faces or work on puzzles of Fairytale Friendships (she really enjoys that).  Refreshing my Worth to solidify who I am as a woman of God by meditating on scriptures that stand out to me is greatly renewing inside/out while practicing yoga; it really flushes out a lot of negatives for me too (check out Bikram Yoga Dallas, it will rock your mind and make you smile, promise)!  

The last thing I want to happen is to fall asleep and remain stagnant.  Remaining stagnant is not okay in my life book...I enjoy being and doing and growing and pouring that energy into others.  Keeping my heart and mind fresh to grow the desires that have been planted  in me help me to keep positive feedback a regular visitor and keep me balanced  :O)

Have you been visiting Sleepy Town longer than you planned to?  Or, did you even plan the visit and it just sort of happened?  If you're wanting a different place to travel to then utilize The Google...start by searching something that turns you on and ignites movement in you.  That simple.  I believe your searching will snowball and you will be greatly inspired to move toward your calling in life and live happily ever after :O)

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