Monday, September 30, 2013


Aside from the obvious joy of celebrating Jesus being born to rock this world in all future history for time in this life and are a few things that tantalize my senses once Texas changes from a melting pot to an ice rink: 

warm coffee shops; holiday tunes; cinnamon apple scents; movie cuddles with Nickelbug; smiles; fresh baked goodies; putting up the Christmas decor; eggnog w/whiskey; holiday gatherings; vanilla chai tea (decaf, of course); tapping into my creative noggin to make gifts that peeps may not even use (its the thought that counts though, right?);  A Christmas Carol put on by Dallas Theater Center; a good read in front of my fireplace(I have one now!); hoodies; deviled eggs; being iced in and can't drive to work; loads of laughter; nights in with pinot noir and the bestie; my sage green heating blanket; cinnamon tea; yoga hot room; fluffy snow (if we're lucky); watching Nickelbug open her presents; new years resolution dreams; getting cozier for NYE; twinkling white lights; window shopping; buttery knuckles; The Rat Pack Christmas show at Majestic Theater; special soiree's; etcetera,  etcetera, etcetera...

The list goes on and as the seasons are beginning to alter I can't help but become googly-eyed & giddy thinking on these!  Always the simple things in life that can take your heart to the next level :O)

If you're low on energy today, think on moments you enjoy when seasons begin to change in your life.  We can learn so much from each season and know that when you cover it all with gratitude: you will see, the best is right in front of you!

 Uber big hugs to you all from Nickelbug and I :O)

Sending lots of love and light!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lucky in Slumber is the Sleep Number Tonight


Solid, heavy leaded sleep.

Uber full of Zz's.

The kind of sleep where you wake up and your eyes and face are puffy yet your body is so relaxed you fear moving the distance of a fine tipped ball point pen will shatter this blissful feeling. 

Soooooooo beneficial. 

So long as you don't hit the snooze button six more times than you've allotted. Forced into throttling yourself out of bed is anticlimactic to the high you just experienced in your fully rested, meditative state. 

I don't wish the rattled start for anyone's day, however if it happens, fill your heart with gratitude that you've been gifted another day. This will restore that high and overwhelm you with peace to continue your day with fullness of love and light. 
Cheers to today's gift, you.
Sending lots of Love & Light,