Monday, September 30, 2013


Aside from the obvious joy of celebrating Jesus being born to rock this world in all future history for time in this life and are a few things that tantalize my senses once Texas changes from a melting pot to an ice rink: 

warm coffee shops; holiday tunes; cinnamon apple scents; movie cuddles with Nickelbug; smiles; fresh baked goodies; putting up the Christmas decor; eggnog w/whiskey; holiday gatherings; vanilla chai tea (decaf, of course); tapping into my creative noggin to make gifts that peeps may not even use (its the thought that counts though, right?);  A Christmas Carol put on by Dallas Theater Center; a good read in front of my fireplace(I have one now!); hoodies; deviled eggs; being iced in and can't drive to work; loads of laughter; nights in with pinot noir and the bestie; my sage green heating blanket; cinnamon tea; yoga hot room; fluffy snow (if we're lucky); watching Nickelbug open her presents; new years resolution dreams; getting cozier for NYE; twinkling white lights; window shopping; buttery knuckles; The Rat Pack Christmas show at Majestic Theater; special soiree's; etcetera,  etcetera, etcetera...

The list goes on and as the seasons are beginning to alter I can't help but become googly-eyed & giddy thinking on these!  Always the simple things in life that can take your heart to the next level :O)

If you're low on energy today, think on moments you enjoy when seasons begin to change in your life.  We can learn so much from each season and know that when you cover it all with gratitude: you will see, the best is right in front of you!

 Uber big hugs to you all from Nickelbug and I :O)

Sending lots of love and light!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lucky in Slumber is the Sleep Number Tonight


Solid, heavy leaded sleep.

Uber full of Zz's.

The kind of sleep where you wake up and your eyes and face are puffy yet your body is so relaxed you fear moving the distance of a fine tipped ball point pen will shatter this blissful feeling. 

Soooooooo beneficial. 

So long as you don't hit the snooze button six more times than you've allotted. Forced into throttling yourself out of bed is anticlimactic to the high you just experienced in your fully rested, meditative state. 

I don't wish the rattled start for anyone's day, however if it happens, fill your heart with gratitude that you've been gifted another day. This will restore that high and overwhelm you with peace to continue your day with fullness of love and light. 
Cheers to today's gift, you.
Sending lots of Love & Light,


Friday, February 22, 2013


I've been in transition the past 6 months or so in several areas of my life.  I used to be surrounded by people all the time, every day on my calendar booked with social fun, church events, yoga, bestie time, etc.  Most of those have subsided as I'm entering a season of working  hard to become physically healthy and to make my dream a reality.  By clearing my calendar I can focus better on my journey.  For a gal that loves to be in the middle of social gatherings it has not been the more enjoyable part of my journey.   One thing my God showed me the other day was to not mistake His quietness and peace for loneliness.  That just because things are quiet in my world and my calendar relatively empty of social "stuff", doesn't mean I am alone or that it will always be like this. 

He has put a quietness and peace in my life that I am learning to appreciate more and more.  I can view it as being alone and remain stagnant and make it a plateau that is exit-free, or I can view it as a blessing and act on it by using my time wisely to work toward accomplishing goals.  I believe sometimes God remains quiet and hovers a peace on us to allow us to make the next move.  I view that as having His favor, of Him trusting me as I take the next step into the decisions I make.  And that, my dear friends, gives me warm fuzzies in my soul :O)  

The past couple weeks have been busy with having a long time, dear friend of mine in town and then Nanny came for a visit.  SO great having them here!!  Then I got the news that Nickelbug Designs was admitted into the White Rock Local Market at the Lakeside Baptist Church location YEE-HAAAW!!! (yes, wow, I actually just did that)   Needless to say, we've been busy bees getting ready for it (when I say "we", I really mean me and the mouse in my pocket).  Feels so great to be working, doing something I love and accomplishing goals...dreamy sigh....

This year is full of wide open spaces!  Definitely with lots of room for mistakes (insert credit to Dixie Chicks here) but I am putting my heart and soul into what I love, believing full well that all of it will be worth it!

Lots of Love and Gratitude,


P.S.  The other night I woke up to Nickelbug mumbling in slumber...I listened closer to hear if she was having a nightmare...She lifted up her hand and said "Awesome, that's awesome" hahah must have been a good dream!  Has nothing to do with this post. Just sharing, it made me smile, even at 3 AM

Hello, Helllloooo, you beautiful thing......(insert music notes here and enjoy :O)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Everyone is well aware that Valentines Day is around the corner with the sweet aroma of Love growing or blossoming between two special people.  Some are consumed with what they might, or might not, get and/or whom they might spend it with.  Some gals obsessing for the right outfit and most original, thoughtful gift to give their special person.  Then there are some gals that are prowling for a date, period.  There are guys overcoming the tickles in their tummy to ask out the potential gal of their dreams to spend the National Day of Love with, trying to figure out how to do it big to sweep her off her feet.  Then there are some guys mobile polling to figure out how much needs to be spent in order to get lucky.  Lastly, there are also those of us that are on our journey single and soaking up every good bit of it that we can :O)  Either way, the special day has become overly commercialized and that kinda sucks the magic out of it. 

I believe each day (not just on Valentines Day) should be about growing your love for every person, animal, or situation you encounter and for life in general.  It all starts with growing Love in yourself.  Life changes when you can grasp that.  When you discover how to love yourself, right where you are at, then you can live in freedom to Love others without holding back.  An uninhibited Love that swells the joy in your own heart when you pour it over others and spread a big smile on their face.

(Painting by my fave: Katie Daisy)

Remember...being single and happy is far better than being in a relationship that is wrong for you. You can choose to feel love by tapping into your own self worth and doing what you love daily. To cultivate an expression of passionate must first practice loving yourself, fully. This is something I remind myself on a regular basis and my growth of gratitude expands more and more for being in the place I am in today  :0)

Cheers to many beautiful days to spread Love to whomever you encounter and wherever you journey to! 


Saturday, January 26, 2013


My love for living au naturel is an interesting and fun journey.  Learning to love myself right where I am, precisely as I was created, and the desire to take care of this vessel that I have been gifted with is growing :O)  It’s been a joy to try new raw foods and products to soak up all the good nutrients I can to feed me energy to live life well.  Exploring my yoga practice and expanding my knowledge of it to strengthen my body, mind, and spirit gives me a confident boost into the future, healthily.  

I was eating an apple one day and decided, instead of throwing the seeds out, I wanted to plant them.  So I did, HA!  And eureka, 3 of the four seeds I planted are actually growing :O)  Fast forward a few weeks:  one day I had a gut-hunch to use The Google to find out how to grow an apple tree from seeds…I was amazed at the personal involvement required to raise a fruitful offspring of apples (or any other fruit).   Grafting is the key.  You plant the seed into soil, water it, and love the little seedling until it is about 30 – 60 cm high then it undergoes a process of grafting it to a healthy parent tree in order to produce good quality fruit.  (Some of you might already know where I’m going with this).  If you desire to grow deliciousness-in-your-face quality fruit, you choose which species of apple (or other fruit) you want to produce (scion), then cut a stem of it at a steep angle.  You do the same to the seedling’s rooted stem that you raised.  Once you have them cut at steep angles that will fit like a glove, you then align them together where the thin greenish plant layer just under the bark of the scion and your beloved seedlings stem touch each other.  You then use cling film and masking tape to keep them in place.  Within 10 – 15 days, if aligned properly, you will see little shoots starting to bud from the grafting seam. If they are not aligned properly, the graft will fail and chances for fruit production are slim.  If you choose not to graft it might be 5-6 years up to 15+ years before seeing any fruit and if so, the fruit will more than likely be bad, whaaaaa!

My “Wow!”, “Ah-ha!” and “Thank you, God!” moment came when I was thinking about this whole process the other day while watering my little seedlings (that are growing nicely, by-the-way).  I was reminded how important it is to choose what I am grafting myself to.  If I choose to graft myself to what others expectations (or put-downs) are over me, pop-cultures do’s and don’ts, or past events in my life that I have chosen not to release,  then the fruit I produce in my life will taste awful (insert crinkle face here).  I’d be reeking of bad fruit and I’d be releasing confusion, frustration, bitterness, anger, jealousy, etc.  But if I choose to graft myself to be one with God, then the fruit that exudes from my core will be so much tastier!  I will be releasing into my sphere of influence a heart of service, joy, peace, confidence, direction, and encouragement, etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera!  In my humanness I tend to default to the former, so this visual helps me to remember to be proactive in what I choose to graft myself to.  


I’m highly enjoying exploration in my yoga practice to keep myself centered with God, learning how to release anything that I need to release, so I produce better fruit now and onward.  Hoping to encourage others along the way to do the same :O)

Ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?”   Yah, me too!  I’ve been experiencing the beautiful benefits of eating raw, fresh veggies, fruits and other wholesome goodness.  Incorporating more raw/natural products into my everyday routine has been UBER rewarding!  Thankful for food and products that have greatness oozing from my happy, healthy being :O) Chow! 

Lots of Love and Gratitude,